October 15 – A Marriage Covenant

“… I am married unto you: and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion.” Jeremiah 3:14

God speaks of relationship with Him as a marriage…“I am married to you.” See how the marriage customs of the Jews of Jesus’ time closely parallel our Heavenly Father’s marriage plans for the Church.

The betrothal began with the Bridegroom approaching the Bride with a Covenant of Marriage, signed with a price (dowry) paid to the father. In the same way, Jesus has sealed your covenant (salvation) with the price of His blood.

A cup of wine was ceremoniously shared with the Bride, then the Bridegroom left to build a bridal chamber for the honeymoon. Jesus shared the Passover supper with His disciples (Matthew 26:26) before departing to heaven where He is presently preparing a place for us (John 14:3).

The Bride waited, not knowing exactly when the Bridegroom would return. It was up to the Bridegroom’s father to decide when, just as Father God alone decides when Christ will return (Matthew 24:36).

The Bridegroom would return with a shout and steal away his Bride to a seven-day celebration, ending with a great marriage feast. You also can expect your Lord’s return to be heralded by the trumpet sound and followed by a seven-year celebration and Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:9).

PRAY: “Father, thank You for Your Covenant of Marriage through salvation. I am married forever! Amen.”

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